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Quick Elk Hunting Tips 02-21-2015
February 21, 2015

Time to Make Plans
for Fall Elk Hunts!

It's time to start planning for hunting this fall. Here are some suggestions for things you might want to be thinking about right now.

Need a Hunting Partner? You can use the page on the link below, if you're trying to find someone to hunt with this fall:

Get fit now!

Anything you do to get fit for stomping around for miles during hunting season will help. Along with walking with a pack on your back, add some core strength exercises and leg-specific strength work and you'll be safer from injury and falls. You'll find some ideas on this page:

Do Some Map Scouting

Check out our map scouting page and print a free map, or just study your area on an online topo map: Map Scouting Page.

Practice Elk Communication

Don't just make some elk sounds when you're hunting. Do intelligent elk communication based on what you hear elk saying. Check out our updated Elk Sounds page. Learn the language now and practice throughout the summer!

Tune Up Your Bow!

If you're not getting really tight groups with your bow and arrow set up, it might not be you. It might be that your bow is not tuned optimally for you. It needs to be tuned for YOU: Bow Tuning. If you aren't confident you can do the steps outlined on that page, it might be well worth $10 or $20 to have a trained technician tune it for you. It should be done with you present. Avoid a technician who will tune your bow without having you shooting it while it is being tuned.

ASAT Discount Continues

Our prices for ASAT camo are already discounted below MSRP, but send us a note with your order with the word "REBATE" and we will rebate an additional 10% of your paid ASAT order. You will see the rebate as a partial refund through PayPal.

Simply put a note on the order at checkout where it says, "Add special instructions to the seller", OR click on Contact Us, OR Message us on our Facebook page. Tell us "REBATE" and your name. We'll take care of it!

Planning A Hunt in Another State?

You don't have to do it alone. This is a good time of year to take advantage of Huntin' Fool's 60 day free trial. They will help you plan your hunt within your personal needs: Huntin' Fool 60 Day Free Trial.

More later! Hey, spring is just around the corner, right? You can't tell it by looking at the snow in our yard today here in Montana!
As always, feel free to send us a message.

Other Products Available at Low Pricing
and Free Shipping

Your support of ElkHuntingTips.Net through purchases of products from the site, or by visiting our advertisers is appreciated! We'll soon be adding a full line of quality products when we open our brick and mortar store in Montana!

ASAT Camouflage

HECS Stealthsuit

Montana Decoys

Bugling Bull Game Calls

ElkNut's Calling Productions

String Sling Bow Sling

Safari Rifle Sling

Skull Hooker Mounting Bracket

Clip-Shot Camera Mount

Free Customized Hunting Maps
My favorite elk hunting area. Somewhere near Garrison, MT

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