Our Elk Sounds Page Has Been Updated

Photo compliments of Huntin' Fool
Our Elk Sounds page has needed to be updated for quite some time. It was one of the first pages written for the site several years ago. I finally took the time to get it done!
Since I first wrote that page, I have learned a lot. Some of the sounds on that page were not correctly identified. Several other sounds have been added and are discussed there now.
I have leaned a lot through the years about elk communication by using ElkNut's instructional DVDs, CD and Playbook. Ever since I first started using those resources, I have put that knowledge to practical experience with good results.
The Elk Sounds page is a good introduction to some sounds you may not have even heard of before. Do you know the difference between a
warning bark and nervous grunt? They sound a lot alike. The latter can be used to call elk, but don't make the first one! If you think calling to bulls with bull sounds is not effective, check out the page.
The Sounds page is by no means exhaustive, however. I highly recommend you do as I continue to do, learn the language a little at a time beginning with ElkNut's Playbook and Sounds by the Elk CD. Then add more of Paul's resources when you can. Your calling arsenal will grow immensely with practice and knowledge.
Don't wait until summer. Begin to practice "speaking elk" now for this fall!
As always, feel free to
send us a message.
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My favorite elk hunting area. Somewhere near Garrison, MT
