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Calling Elk Video and Discussion
October 01, 2010

Calling Elk in for a Broadside Shot

We have a new page with a new video segment about calling elk in close for a broadside shot. Click here to go directly to that page. You will find some practical tips and mistakes to avoid when bringing a bull right into shooting range and how to stop him and turn him for a broadside shot. pages.

Report Elk Hunting Progress

As the elk season progresses don't forget to let us know how things are going for you at the elk hunting forums. There is also a specific forum for 2010 Elk Hunting Success. You can upload pictures of your elk and tell the whole story, so the rest of us can learn from it. Share any mistakes you made, too. For instance, when I killed a six point on Labor Day, I forgot to put a diaphragm call in my mouth to stop him while I was drawn! I got lucky. He stopped anyway.

Watch the video and read about stopping bulls for a shot on the new page.

Current Status of the Rut?

Here in this area of Montana, the rut is still on. I was talking to a friend on the phone who was watching from his living room window as a herd bull was chasing a satellite bull from his harem up on the mountain. He could hear some serious bugling at the same time. It was 8:00 in the morning.

I am hearing that the rut activity seems to slow pretty quickly after daylight, due to the heat, and that it isn't starting back up until after sundown.

It's supposed to cool down next week, but I'm planning on being out there tomorrow morning calling for my son with video camera in hand. At least the moon isn't out very long, making morning hunts more promising (IMHO).

Good hunting!

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